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 Positive Psychology
Learn to develop the strengths that
can lead to happiness and resilience.

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"If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed."

Chinese Proverb

Contact me today to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation consultation (available only to new coaching clients; excludes life coach supervision services). -Click Here-

 Consider This...
"It's hard to fight an enemy who has outpost in your head."
Sally Kempton

 Featured Article
The Strength of Optimism
Believe you are a powerful force in your future, and act accordingly!
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Article Archives

[1]The Strength of Persistence
Develop Patience, Discipline and Endurance
[2]The Strength of Resilience
Bounce Back From Serious Adversity
[3]The Strength of Enthusiasm
Get Excited, Get Very Excited!
[4]The Strength of Living in the Present
Give yourself this gift
[5]The Strength of Courage
Face Your Fears, Take Risks